Local Green Network
Local Development Plans are critical tools for delivering the right Green Network element in the right place. They are where national policy and strategy is translated to reflect local context. The GCVGN has a long history of producing Green Network analysis, strategies and action plans, at both the local authority and community level, and this will continue to be an important part of our work in supporting partners.
Open Space Strategies
Open Space Strategies are now statutory. Councils must map the type, location and size of open space in their area and analyse for accessibility, quality and quantity. The Strategy must also demonstrate how it delivers on National Outcomes below:
creating successful and sustainable places,
improving health and wellbeing,
advancing equality and eliminating discrimination,
securing positive effects for biodiversity, and
mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.
The GCVGN has extensive experience of working on Audits and Strategies (including the production of the first guidance, with Greenspace Scotland, on undertaking an Audit) and has supported several authorities through the process, an approach we wish to replicate with others.

Play Sufficiency Assessments (PSAs)
Play is essential to a happy childhood and vital to a child’s physical and cognitive development. Play Sufficiency Assessments (PSAs) aim to ensure children of all ages and abilities have that opportunity. PSAs must map play opportunities and then assess their accessibility, quality and quantity at local authority and community scales, and they must be consulted on with particular focus on children and parents and carers.
Play is a core function of the Green Network, with strong links to Local Living and Local Place Plans. GCVGN previously developed an approach to play assessment and will work with partners to support the development of PSAs.

Active Travel Strategies
Funding for active travel is increasing year on year with a Scottish Government commitment to spend at least £320 million, or 10% of the total transport budget, on AT in the coming year. This is a huge opportunity for delivery of our Clyde Greenways initiative; a network of high quality, off-road routes, that compliments and interacts with the on-road AT network, providing options for local journeys and recreation. We will support partners to embed the aspirations of Clyde Greenways within the emerging suite of regional and local Active Travel Strategies.

Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs)
The primary purpose of LBAPs is to target effort and resources towards conservation of national priority and locally important habitats and species. They are usually led by local authorities but prepared in partnership with agencies, NGOs and local experts. National Planning Framework 4 and the Local Development Plan Guidance suggest that LBAPs have an important role to play in identifying Nature Networks and delivering Biodiversity Enhancement however, the format and currency of LBAPs varies considerably across the region. We will support council colleagues in preparing new LBAPs that meet the challenges set by new policy.
Local Place Plans (LPPs)
LPPs are now part of the planning system and are a tool for communities to feed their views into Local Development Plans. They are also intended to improve public engagement and involvement in the planning system. For some communities the pros and cons of built development for their area may be at the forefront of LPPs, however, Green Network elements like greenspace, wildlife habitat and active travel routes should also be key considerations. LPPs have the potential to be a powerful community driver for Green Network delivery.
What is a Local Place Plan?
It is an expression of community aspirations and solutions which can influence local planning policy for future development, as well helping communities deliver their own projects.
It is a proposal by a community about the development or land use in their area, describing what changes people want to see made to the Local Development Plan for the area.
It should include a spatial vision for the community that maps where changes will happen and an action plan laying out how the changes will happen.
Historic Green Network Strategies
The GCVGN has produced many Green Network related strategies over the years which have catalysed and guided action, and been used as models for others to produce theirs. These are an important record of the evolution of Green Network thinking and approaches, and still contain a great deal of useful information applicable today

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