Partner Support
The GCVGN was established to co-ordinate and facilitate delivery of a regional vision shared by the eight city region local authorities, with partnership working at the core of its remit. Since 2007, we’ve worked closely across all eight authorities on an array of strategies, studies and delivery plans covering all aspects of Green Network functions and benefits.
Bringing the vision to life - partners we have helped
Our Vision is of a sustainable and liveable place where people and wildlife can move easily through an attractive and diverse landscape. The case studies below showcase the Green Network in action and demonstrate the ambition for delivery we want to see across the Region. Delivery at this scale requires collaboration around a collective vision, an approach that is central to our work.
And we are here to help you - so contact us for support!

Seven Lochs
The Seven Lochs Wetlands Park is an exemplar of Green Network delivery - a place where people and wildlife can relax and thrive!

Clyde Gateway
The Clyde Gateway sits to the east of Glasgow and is a fantastic place to work, live and play with an attractive Green spine.

Here to Help!
As we collectively work to meet new duties and challenges, collaboration and partner support will continue to be central to our remit and approach. We are all too aware of the financial and capacity pressures public sector organisations face, compounded by the new requirements of planning policy. The GCVGN team are a resource that can bring experience, expertise and additional capacity to help you meet the challenges ahead. Please contact us to discuss how we can support your work.

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